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Camp Craig Allen is committed to building a strong network of resources that are beneficial to our user-groups and their families. We are continuously updating our contacts and information, so that you have access to the latest and greatest sites, programs, equipment, organizations and businesses.
When the Frisco HOPE Center is built, all of these resources will be brought to a centralized location to assist everyone living with a disability in their journey to independence and a higher quality of living. Our resource center will be the first of its kind in the world!
If you are a business who would like to join our Frisco HOPE Network, please fill out the short questionnaire below and you will be come a resource for those affected by a disability. Any and all kinds of businesses may be added to our network as we are committed to providing
Below is a list of helpful websites that can answer questions and get you that much closer to your goals. As always, please contact us. Our doors are always open!

"Life is not without storms, but it is how you roll through the storm that shows the world what strength and beauty really is."

Amanda Hall

Ms. Wheelchair Texas 2011

Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University

The Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University in collaboration with the Texas Center on Disability Studies at the University of Texas at Austin released the Long-Term Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities.

The Toolkit addresses long-term recovery needs for individuals with disabilities and/or access and functional needs, post-disaster.


The Toolkit is designed for:

  • Long-Term Recovery Committees/Groups (LTRCs/LTRGs),

  • Disaster Case Mangers,

  • Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD),

  • Educators and School Personnel,

  • Offices of Emergency Management,

  • Community-based Organizations,

  • Disability-Related Organizations, and

  • Individuals with Disabilities and/or Access and Functional Needs.


The online resource features an overview of the disaster recovery process and disability information. The Toolkit provides information and resources regarding:

  • Housing,

  • Medical and Mental Health,

  • Transportation and Mobility,

  • Education,

  • Daily Living and Behavioral Support,

  • Employment and Finances,

  • Communication and Assistive Technology, and

  • Social Relationship Supports.


The Long-Term Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities is funded by the American Red Cross and maintained by the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University.


Contact: (940) 395-0226


Camp Craig Allen

3411 Preston Rd, Ste C13, Box 174, Frisco, TX 75034

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Camp Craig Allen is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. © 2007-2021 All rights reserved.


All logos of Camp Craig Allen's belong  to our organization as intellectual property. This includes,but not limited to,  activity conducted in our organization's mission, our photos taken and received, recorded statements used by participants, our approved fundraisers, and our logos. Any and all activities using any or part of our direct organization's  name or branding of any kind, requires authorization in writing from our Marketing Director. All rights are reserved directly to Camp Craig Allen.

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